Lone Wolf: The Hunt Read online

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  “Josh! Josh! You got to do something man please! I don’t want to die here! Help!” Screamed Luke.

  I looked around the cave in distance for something I could use to defend us.

  “Were going to make it out of here Luke!”

  “Heeeeelp! Somebody Please!” Luke screamed.

  Roar the bear step closer to Luke. I searched in distance again for something to protect us. I saw the empty gun. That was the only thing I could use to defend us. I still had the sharp glass but I’m sure the bear will bite my hand off before I could even stab it. The gun has some distance to it.

  “Luke I need to get the gun, I need you to distract the bear for some time so I can get the gun, spare me some time!”

  “Okay! I’ll distract it, Hurry please! Go!”

  My legs were still paralyzed I couldn’t walk or even stand myself up. I started to drag myself to the gun.

  “Over here beast! Hey! Die you fucking beast!” Luke yelled.

  He has got the bears attentions, the bear slowly stepping closer to Luke fearing the fire. I dragged myself as fast as I could, staring at the gun in distance.

  “Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh! Ahhhhhh!”

  When I looked back the bear was eating Luke’s belly. He stop yelling after a second. I look back to the gun and continued to drag myself. I finally got in reach of the gun. I grabbed it and put my back against the wall staring at the bear eating Luke. I then got an idea. I felt my pockets and found the key I took from the dead officer on the prison bus. I open the bullet chamber and it made a loud enough noise to get the bears attention. It looked at me Roar It started to charge at me, I put the key in the chamber closed the gun and aimed at the bear. It was seven feet away and jumped at me, I took the shot, and the key accelerated out the chamber and forced its way straight into the bears head, penetrating through the brain. The bear instantly died but the bear’s dead body was still flying at me. The body landing on me, causing my head to hit the rock behind me, my vision blackened, I passed out.

  Chapter 4-On the Hunt

  The sun shined upon my face waking me up. I looked up and the bear was dead staring at me.


  The blood from the dead bear dripped all over my shirt. I pushed the bear off me. I got up and went to look at Luke. His stomach was gone, his body was in two pieces. I went to the front of the cave and looked out at all the still snow and the trees.

  “Number one rule of survival, trust no one.”

  I looked at the snow and there was a lot of footprints leading a trail in the direction they all traveled. They all needed to be stopped, all of them are working together. I took the sharp glass out of my pocket and I went to the bear. I started to skin the bear for its fur and its claws. I took the fur and threw it all over the snow to let the blood come off better. I took some clothing from Luke that was dry and started to wipe the blood off the fur. When it was bloodless, I put it on my back and tied it across my chest and tied the other part around my waist. The head of the polar bear was used as a head piece to protect my head from the cold. I am now stealth in the snow from the white fur. The claws, I put them straight through a stick and tired them on with Luke’s shoe lace, I created a knife. I grabbed the gun and went out the cave. I started to follow the footprints. I walked for miles in a straight path. I Grabbed snow as I was walking and started eating that on the way. As I was walking, I started to hear an engine approaching. I dived down onto the snow and let the polar bear fur blend in with the snow making me camoflaudge. It was one of the Chinese military jeep passing by.

  “They must be searching for the surviving prisoners,” I said to myself.

  I noticed the footprints headed in the same direction the Chinese military jeep is heading. There must be a military base somewhere near me. I waited for the jeep to take off until it wasn’t visible. I got up and continued to go in the direction of the jeep. After walking a mile down the path, I saw a base. The base was guarded by the Chinese military at the entrance. When I looked down to find the footprints, they started going left, off the path, into the open field of snow. I continued following the footprints.

  I ended up on the side of the base. The footprints went straight into the wall. They couldn’t have jumped over the wall because the wall looked like it was about sixteen feet high with barbed wires at the top. When I started to feel wall, a part of it felt light. It felt like it could be pushed open. So I put some weight against it and pushed. The wall opened a little but it was wide enough for me to peek through and see what was going on from the other side. There were jeeps and tents lined up everywhere. Soldiers were jogging around the base. I thought to myself, I shouldn’t proceed in the base in the broad day. I need to wait till the sun is out. I pulled the wall back until it shut. When the night comes I will sneak into the base. I started walking away from the base, leaving a trail of footprints so I know my way back to the base. I started to wonder around seeing what I could find. About half a mile away from the base, I came across red snow. I crouched down to examine, and I picked some of it up and smelt it. It was blood was placed on the snow in words. I started to read…


  Death was written on the snow. The wind started to howl, the trees towered over me and blocked the sun. I looked up and saw a boot come straight to my face, BAM I got kicked back and my gun flew out of my hand. He looked over me and smiled. He grasped me from the fur, holding me up off the ground. Face to face he started at me in my eyes.

  “You trying to hunt me Josh!?”

  “You were actually my first target.”

  “Ha-ha-ha! Do you remember who I am!? I am the unstoppable Apollo!”

  “Keep thinking that.”

  Apollo’s face instantly went angry. He threw his fist at me but I moved my head over fast enough to dodge it. I took my legs and pushed off his stomach to free myself from his grasp. I landed on my feet. I took out my knife made from claws, I held it aggressively in front of me.

  Apollo started running at me full speed, I started running back at full speed. Before he was close enough to punch my face, I slid on the ground cutting his leg. He ignored the pain and quickly punched my face to the ground.

  “Ha! Get up old man!”

  I got back up on my feet, ran towards him to stab him with my knife, he caught my hand and lifted me up, I swirled my legs and wrapped it around his hand, putting all my weight on the opposite side of him, causing him to fall on the ground. I took the knife and stabbed it in his chest. He did not make a single sound from the knife digging in his chest. He was on the ground and looked at the knife then looked up at me and smiled. He grabbed my leg and pulled me down to the ground forcefully. I fell on my back. He got up and grabbed my feet swinging me into a tree hitting my rib cage.

  “Ahhh Shit!”

  He then threw me back into open snow. Just before I could try to get up he got over me and grasped his giant hands around my neck and squeezed with all his strength. It felt like an anaconda was around my neck. I tried to pull him off me but I wasn’t strong enough. He started angrily in my eyes waiting for death to take me away. I took the sharp glass out of my pocket and stabbed him in his shoulder. The glass weaken him and giving me a short time to catch some breath but he never let go of my neck. He started squeezing again harder than he did the first time.

  “Ahhh! Hahaha! Pain cannot stop me! It’s your time Josh!”

  In moment I can feel my life slipping away from me. With all my power I tried to hang on but I could not get Apollo off of me. He continued to stare me down with a smile as my life slipped away. My eyes were beginning to blacken out. Out of nowhere, Apollo has been punched to the ground. My neck has been released from his hand. (Breathing hard and choking, gathering air) I looked over and it was Terrell.

  “You want some of Apollo too!?”

  “I want all of you motherfucker!” Terrell smiled.

  Apollo charged at Terrell, Throwing a punch but missed. Bam Apollo was sent to the ground with a kick. Terrell got o
n top of Apollo and started beating his face. Punch after punch after punch after punch, then he took the glass out his shoulder and stabbed it into Apollo’s eye.


  Apollo yelled with all his might. Apollo hit Terrell off him. I got up and ran over to help Terrell. I punched Apollo in his stomach, BAM he swung back at me and hit my jaw. Terrell jumped on Apollo’s back and put him in a headlock. Bracing him down, Apollo grabbed Terrell’s forearm and slowly pulling releasing himself. This was my chance to take Apollo out. I ran up to Apollo and kicked the knife deeper in his chest.


  He yelled again. Apollo became weaker and fell to his knees. Terrell overpowered him now. I rushed my way to Apollo’s head, firmly grasped and forced his head over to the side, Crack I snapped his neck. We both let go of Apollo and watch him fall to the ground. (Both breathing hard)

  “I’m sure you could have took him by yourself captain.” Terrell said.

  “Ha! He almost had me back there, luckily you came at the right time.”

  “You got him pretty good.”

  “I honestly don’t think anyone could get out of his grasps… I knew you were alive out there somewhere I was just waiting to run into ya.”

  “I’ve been out here running from wolves the past two days.”

  “At least you were not set up to be live bait for a Polar bear.”

  “Honestly I think I would have had the Polar bear. If you see how many wolves that had been following me, you probably will understand but if we don’t get out here and hide soon enough were going to be dinner. They have been tracking my sense everywhere that I settle.”

  “There’s a base close by, I suspected John to be hiding inside the base.”

  “Oh great The Voice is still alive huh.”

  “Yes, I’ve been hunting him down. He’s trying to get transportation/communication so he can make his way back into the United States. I planned on sneaking in the base at night, let darkness be the ally.”

  “Hmm… we can also get bait and lead the wolves faster to me and run inside the base for the wolves to follow us, distraction.”

  “That has to be the craziest plan I ever heard.”

  “Got anything else in mind?”

  “No… It’s very risky but worth the try. All we can do is just wait for the sun to disappear.

  I picked up my fur and wrapped it around me. Got my gun and started looking around.

  “We need to stay close to the base. The wolves will be here before we know it. Apollo’s blood will lure them over here faster. Let’s climb this tree and keep a look out while we wait till the sun goes down.”

  “Copy that.”

  Terrell and I climbed a tree nearby and patiently waited for the sun to disappear. After hours of waiting, the sun began to descend.

  “The fur looks kind of cool… It’s stylish.”

  “Official Polar Bear wardrobe.”

  “Ha-ha-ha” We both laughed. Woooooooooooo Howled wolves.

  “Looks like your buddies are here.”

  We climbed down from the tree.

  “We have to drag Apollo’s body to the base. It will leave a trail of blood. The wolves will rush in the base. We have to hurry or they will meet us before we get into the base.”

  “Let’s do this!”

  We started to drag the body to the base. Both of us pulled him from his legs, leaving a trail of blood.

  “Were almost there!”

  Woooooooooo the wolves howled again.

  “They are getting close I see them in distance running.”

  “Just keep pulling!”

  We got to the side wall of the base, I pushed the wall open leading Apollo’s body inside and the wall open so the wolves can raid.

  “Everyone seems to be sleeping besides the watchmen and night guards.” I whispered to Terrell.

  “Okay were going to leave his body behind the tent. Watch out for the spotlight, Follow me.”

  Dodging the spotlight, we ran behind the tents until we came to the jeeps. We jumped into the back of one.

  “Stay low.”

  I peeked up at the wall waiting for the wolves to raid the base. The wolves did not come through the wall yet. One of the military guards started to fell suspicious about what was going on by the jeeps. I ducked back down.

  “A guard is coming, hold your position.”

  The guard felt like he saw something and started to approach the jeep with his gun armed and ready. His footsteps were making noise from the snow crunching. We could hear him getting closer. He started to aim his gun at the jeep, slowly and carefully he stepped. He swung his gun over in the back of the jeep and aimed at us,

  “Intruder! Graaaahhhhhh!”

  The wolves pulled him to the ground and started biting him into pieces, all you can hear was him screaming to death. The base has been alerted, the watchmen shined the spotlight on the wolves. The Chinese soldiers started waking up and grabbing their guns to fight the wolves. The dominate wolf was outside the base. Woooooooooo He cried, calling more and more wolves into the base for feast.

  “We have to find keys to the jeep.”

  We snuck out the jeep staying out of the wolf’s way along with the military men. Gunfire shooting everywhere, wolves growling, Man vs Animal. The dead was everywhere from both sides. We made our way to the nearest tent undetected.

  “Alright, try to find some keys!”

  We searched around, knocking things down, looking for keys to the jeep. A wolf charged in and tackled Terrell on the ground.

  “Josh! Get it off me!”

  I took the gun and started beating the wolf off Terrell. Pow, Pow, Pow, Pow the wolf laid dead on the floor next to Terrell. I held my hand out to help him get back up on his feet. He grabbed my hand and I pulled him up.

  “Shit! That was close!”

  “We got to hurry, were running out of time!”

  We started searching again.

  “I found one!”

  Terrell peaked out of the tent at the jeeps.

  “John is out there with two people taking off in the jeeps right now!”

  “We got to move! We can’t afford to let him get away! Go, Go, Go!”

  John gassed up the jeep and started running down people and animals to the entrance of the base, gunfire was being shot at him. We ran out the tent, running straight to the jeeps. The watchmen have spotted us.

  “Open fire at the jeeps, and don’t let them get away!” The Watchmen cried.

  Gunfire was being shot at us. We made it to the jeep. I pushed the pedal all the way down and steered straight for the entrance after John. They started to put the base on lockdown. The entrance was beginning to shut slowly.

  “Hold on!” I yelled.

  We were taking total gunfire, there was few wolves left so the soldiers started directing more fire at the jeep. BOOM A sniper shot a bullet through the windshield and pierced a whole right through Terrell’s shoulder.

  “Ahhhhhh! Damn it!” Terrell painfully yelled.

  “Stay with me Terrell were going to make it!”

  John has drove out the base. The doors were shutting, we were almost there. I pressed the gas as hard as I could,

  “Hang on!”

  I drove the jeep to through the remaining opening, the doors scraped the side of the jeep as we were heading out, we flew out the base and took off away from it.

  “Hell yeah!”

  “Woohooo” we both laughed.

  “Now let’s take John down.”

  Chapter 5 - The Takedown

  We successfully made it out the military base. Terrell has been shot in his shoulder, he has lost a lot of blood. I haven’t seen him move his arm yet. I was driving the jeep, following John’s road trails. We have been driving for hours, soon to run out of gas. The sun was shining brighter across the lands than all the other days. Snow began to melt.

  “I still can’t believe that The Voice was John all along. He always been t
here with us. We have been running with the world’s most fearing man. Not one second anyone could I have guess it was him? We lost Chris and Aaron! I will not let their deaths mean nothing!” Said Terrell.

  “Were going to get him. Aaron and Chris will be avenged.”

  Terrell turned his head and looked out the window. We continued to follow John’s road trail for another couple of hours. We ended up finding his jeep.

  “Do you see him in the jeep?”


  We parked behind the jeep and got out the car to investigate.

  “Looks like he ran out of gas.”

  I looked around, we were parked beside a mountain.

  “Over here, he must have made his way up the mountain.”

  “Why the hell would he go up there?”

  “I don’t know… He probably has air transportation. We got to head up there.”

  We walked our way up the mountain path, going through thick snow to giant boulders and trees blocking the path.

  “John must have air transportation to take him back to the United States. He must have got communication with some of his people or I wouldn’t see no other reason why he would climb this mountain there would be nothing up here to help him with his plan. After all his plan was to wipe us out and proceed back the America to fire a Nuke at China to start a war.”

  “Sounds like his plan is working,” Terrell said.

  “Were not wiped out yet.”

  “Look he’s over there! There’s a Helipad on this mountain. We got to stop him before the chopper comes.”

  We rushed over to the Helipad that is hanging on the edge of the mountain. An eight-thousand foot drop with a steam of water running down at the bottom. John was at the edge of the Helipad looking down at the water.

  “John! There’s nowhere to run!”

  John remained looking down at the water. Kevin and Ryan came out from behind a rock. John then turned around and smiled.

  “I knew you would make it just in time captain, I was excepting you. I didn’t think the bear would kill you. The bear just made everything more… interesting.”